
Wednesday 20 April 2011

Breath of the Spirit

Tonight I experienced, and actively took part in, the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Unfortunately, due to the purgatorial state of the Archbishop's hip, we were not blessed with our Metropolitan, however we did find a happy replacement in Vincent Malone (His Lordship).

His Lordship with an Irish Penny whistle/Crozier hybrid, carried excellently this evening by vimpa girl Laura Cunliffe.

I say I 'actively took part' as those that currently serve at the Altar in the Archdiocese were permitted to serve at this very Mass (I say serve, I really mean stand there in a group of hundreds of munchkins who constantly ask you for the time and tug on the sleeve of your cassock saying in an extremely scouse accent 'where are we now?! pointing desperately at their order of ceremonies. I do digress.) It was a real honour to take part and to witness the consecration of the oils of Sick, Catechumens and Chrism which will be used within the Archdiocese. What really struck me during the consecrations was the Bishop breathing into the container of the sacred Chrism and thus giving it the breath of God. It was a true reminder of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our own mortal bodies, just like Jesus describes when he says 'Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?' (Cor 6:19) The idea of the Holy Spirit moving within us is something that gives me shivers (of the good variety) when I think about it - you know that tingling sensation that you get down the back of your neck? So much so that I have began to attribute that very feeling to the movement of the Holy Spirit.

A bishop breathes into the flask of sacred Chrism

The very thought that wee have so much power within us is awesome, and yet how often do we fail to direct it towards God? How often are we distracted by insignificant things when we should be focussed completely on God? I myself am completely guilty of this; even tonight as I walked into the sacristy to vest, I was too busy inwardly criticising the state of some lady altar servers in their albs (looking like 10 pound sausages in  3 pound skins) as opposed to truly steadying my mind for the great mystery that I was about to bear witness to. This goes to show how we human beings, even those who confess the faith which comes to us from the apostles, are prepared to look no further than the weary mortal frames of our brothers and sisters. It is by no means 'cheesy' to suggest that 'it's not what's on the outside its what's on the inside' because it is about what's in the inside - The Holy Spirit, a third of the triune divine essence of God. That lies within- and who are we sinners to contest other people based on their looks when the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God is working miracles within them. Perhaps this is a strange thing to take away from a Chrism Mass but, as I mentioned in my Pange Lingua video-link, the Lord will always show us what he wants us to see.


Perhaps this contradicts everything I've just written but it has to be said, all things considered this is as liturgical blog and I have failed to mention liturgy once so far.

I was disgusted to see that the cathedral has abandoned their former use of cassocks and cottas and has instead chosen to go with awful white zip up albs which are the epitome of Vatican II. I was also disgusted to see of the MCs parading up and down the sacristy screaming, and I mean SCREAMING at the altar servers to be quiet and then allowing another gormless MC to come through behind him and address the troops, I must remember to remind them that the sergeant major/officer relationship does not work well in a liturgical setting. I was happy to hear the MC who didn't shout come over to me at the end of Mass saying "I haven't seen a cassock like that since I was in Rome" I, knowing that the answer should have been yes, said "Is that a good thing?" To which he replied, "No. Albs are much more functionable." (which isn't even a word) I politely replied, "Perhaps, but it does have the opportunity to make one look like a half dressed priest". I suppose he was the one who fatally pushed for the abandonment of the former vestments but hey-ho, I was happy enough to be the only one dressed properly.

I was delighted to see my friends from Animate were there who I love beyond all measure!! After several photographic attempts by the amazing Fr. Peter Morgan, the two cornerstone members of the group were finally pictured with me in the cathedral. Becky looked the height of beauty and Ferg looked just as...well...he's got the Holy Spirit in him, and that's what matters!

Becky, Myself and Ferg (whose sunglasses were the piece de resistance of his very liturgically correct suit).

Animate, I know that you will be one of the few/only people to see this post, so I'll take the opportunity to say  I love you!!

I shall be back tomorrow for a Maundy Thursday update.

Keep the faith,


PS: A special mention goes out to Martin who was there tonight and who has taken over something or other at Lowe House. Martin- you're a cool guy :)

1 comment:

  1. Poor Ferg...poor 10 pound sausages in 3 pound skins...poor MC with his gramatically incorrect comebacks... :P
